Geometers ancient and modern have attributed mystical properties to certain numbers and shapes; and artists, designers, and craftspeople have used such patterns in their creations. Polygon tiling can produce astonishing, intricate beauty, reflecting designs originating in nature. Tiles weave the space. Patterns grow from seeds. New cells fill the place: Ground becomes the figure. Waves of shapes vibrating Swim beyond the page. Time and Motion multiply. Complexity, simplicity, Sprout from repetitions. How to Polygon demonstrates how various polygons fit together on a plane to make attractive, mesmerizing patterns. It offers explanations of the underlying concepts, supplemented with dazzling illustrations of some of the more unusual combinations, and outlines practical ways to create patterns based on the properties of the constituent polygons. With a jaunty, fast-paced narration, author Mike Regan presents a clear and readable approach suitable for designers at any level of expertise, from novice to professional, and for numerous media: fabric design, paper cutouts, ceramic tiles, or wallpaper. The creative possibilities are endless.
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