This is a 'must buy' - both for students who want to learn how to do philosophy and for philosophers who want to teach it better. -- Heidi M. Hurd, University of Pennsylvania Australian Journal Of Philosophy Those who teach philosophy will appreciate the end result of Professor Stramel's work: students writing as philosophers!> -- Katherine Shamey, Santa Monica College Australian Journal Of Philosophy Stamel has a good eye for the recurring problems we see in students struggling to come to terms with the discipline. He has produced a book which would be useful to have in one's campus bookshop, with a copy on reserve in the Library as well. Australian Journal Of Philosophy Stamel has a good eye for the recurring problems we see in students struggling to come to terms with the discipline. He has produced a book which would be useful to have in one's campus bookshop, with a copy on reserve in the Library as well. Australian Journal Of Philosophy This is a 'must buy' - both for students who want to learn how to do philosophy and for philosophers who want to teach it better. -- Heidi M. Hurd, University of Pennsylvania Australian Journal Of Philosophy Those who teach philosophy will appreciate the end result of Professor Stramel's work: students writing as philosophers! -- Katherine Shamey, Santa Monica College Australian Journal Of Philosophy
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