1. Introduction
2. Tools for demography and epidemiology
3. Identification of population oscillations: a case study
4. Density-dependent control and feedback
5. Modelling the endogenous oscillations and predictions from time-series analysis
6. Cycles in the grain price series
7. Interactions of exogenous cycles: a case study
8. Mortality crises and the effects of the price of wool
9. Modelling epidemics for the demographer: the dynamics of smallpox in London
10. Non-linear modelling of the two-yearly epidemics in smallpox: the genesis of chaos?
11. Measles and whooping cough in London
12. Integration of the dynamics of infectious diseases with the demography of London
13. Smallpox in rural towns in England in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
14. Infectious diseases in England and Wales in the nineteenth century
15. Prospectives - towards a meta-population study