Elephants are parts of culture and mythology in India.Conflict between man and elephant is not new. Rather it's as old as the human civilization itself.Globally, wild elephants are present in 50 countries, India holds the largest population of wild Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) with nearly 27,000-29,000 animals. Human habitation is fast closing on the boundary of many National Parks and Sanctuaries in India. Shrinking space ,shortage of food often forces wild animals towards populated areas. Each year, human-elephant conflict results in about 300 human deaths and damage to 10,000-15,000 houses and 8-10 million hectares of crops, while over 200 elephants die due to human-related activities, which include poaching for ivory or meat, poisoning, electrocution and collision with trains. Forests have been severely destroyed degraded, decimated, fragmented to make space for agricultural, industry, mines and dams. People affected by carnivores & herbivore are predominantly poor/ rural people where as polices are made by the urban people who are rarely affected. Establishment of elephant corridors, conservation education and public awareness is need of the hour for their conservation.