The book presents a cohesive and up-to-date exposition of the concepts, results, and problems underlying theory and practice in human and medical genetics. Human genetics with its emphasis on molecular concepts and techniques has become a key discipline in medicine and the biomedical sciences. This book will be of interest to human and medical geneticists, scientists in all biomedical sciences, physicians and epidemiologists, as well as to graduate and postgraduate students who desire to learn the fundamentals of this fascinating field.
Die dritte Auflage dieses Werkes hat entsprechend dem internationalen Wissenszuwachses eine völlige Neubearbeitung erfahren. 'Human Genetics'ist sicherlich ein interessantes und übersichtliches Fachbuch für jeden Wissenschaftler. Rechtsmedizin
...should be essential reading for all geneticists. Reading the contents alone sparked a sense of anticipation that made this book essential bedtime reading! ... -there's nothing boring here. Heredity "...a classic textbook and compendium of information. It is, therefore, a distinct pleasure to open the third edition..." Trends in Genetics.
...should be essential reading for all geneticists. Reading the contents alone sparked a sense of anticipation that made this book essential bedtime reading! ... -there's nothing boring here. Heredity "...a classic textbook and compendium of information. It is, therefore, a distinct pleasure to open the third edition..." Trends in Genetics.