This Second Edition of Human Reproductive Biology is as up-to-date as today's headlines. Everyday we read about issues such as female and male reproductive cancers and other disorders, stress and reproduction, the effects of drugs and pollutants on fetal development and adult reproduction, contraceptives and their side effects, infertility and "high-tech" treatments, sex differences in the brain, and causes and patterns of gender identity and sexual behavior. This book, emphasizing the biological and biomedical aspects of human reproduction, elucidates today's advances in reproductive science as well as the choices and concerns that are part of our lives. Generously illustrated, the text provides current information about human reproductive anatomy and physiology and includes discussion of a myriad of topics, including:
- New treatments for PMS
- Anabolic steroids
- High-tech infertility treatments
- Hormones and brain sex
- Sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS
- Evolution of human mating systems
- Hormone replacement therapies
Table of contents:
The Adult Female and Male Reproductive Systems:
The Brain and Pituitary Gland.
The Female Reproductive System.
The Menstrual Cycle.
The Male Reproductive System.
Sexual Development:
Sexual Differentiation.
Gamete Transport and Fertilization.
Labor and Birth.
The Neonate.
Artificial Control of Fertility:
Induced Abortion.
Population Growth and Family Planning.
Human Sexual Behavior:
The Human Sexual Response.
Patterns of Human Sexual Behavior.
Brain Sex.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
Subject Index.
- New treatments for PMS
- Anabolic steroids
- High-tech infertility treatments
- Hormones and brain sex
- Sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS
- Evolution of human mating systems
- Hormone replacement therapies
Table of contents:
The Adult Female and Male Reproductive Systems:
The Brain and Pituitary Gland.
The Female Reproductive System.
The Menstrual Cycle.
The Male Reproductive System.
Sexual Development:
Sexual Differentiation.
Gamete Transport and Fertilization.
Labor and Birth.
The Neonate.
Artificial Control of Fertility:
Induced Abortion.
Population Growth and Family Planning.
Human Sexual Behavior:
The Human Sexual Response.
Patterns of Human Sexual Behavior.
Brain Sex.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
Subject Index.