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  • Gebundenes Buch

Everyone thinks they know the real Gordon Ramsay: rude, loud, pathologically driven, stubborn as hell. But this is his real story... This is Gordon Ramsay's autobiography - the first time he has told the full story of how he became the world's most famous cook.

Everyone thinks they know the real Gordon Ramsay: rude, loud, pathologically driven, stubborn as hell. But this is his real story... This is Gordon Ramsay's autobiography - the first time he has told the full story of how he became the world's most famous cook.
Gordon Ramsay, früher Fußballprofi, gilt heute als britischer Kochpapst. Seine Kochkunst, die ihm insgesamt 14 Michelin-Sterne einbrachte, zählt zu den feinsten und raffiniertesten in Großbritannien, mit atemberaubenden geschmacklichen Kombinationen. Im Laufe seiner Karriere hat er weltweit bislang 18 Restaurants eröffnet, so in London, New York, Los Angeles, Tokio, Prag, Versailles und Dubai. Der bad boy mit dem Spitznamen Bulldogge gilt aber auch als härtester Küchenchef der Welt, denn er organisiert sein Team so lautstark wie ein Fußballtrainer seine Mannschaft.
'Gordon Ramsay's Humble Pie - so exuberantly angry boastful, cliche-ridden, expletive-laden and touchingly sincere that I can't believe that a single sentence has been written by anyone but the failed footballer, great cook, telly star and businessman himself. He's the genuine bollocks, as he's so fond of saying, and this is the tale of his personal class struggle.' - The Observer

'Inspirational stuff.' Heat

'I cannot recommend strongly enough that every BII member reads it. It's so refreshing and energising - and oddly the fact that every fifth word begins with 'F' adds to its charm, its passion and its delight...The book is an inspiration. Anybody running any kind of business will benefit from reading this.' BII Business magazine