This book is designed as a guide for farm owners, engineering students, Government agencies, developers, and earthmoving contractors who are responsible for designing, building and using the majority of farm water storages constructed in Iraq. It is also designed for engineers who have not specialized in small earth dam design for agricultural hydrology, but who may be called upon, from time to time, to design small water storage schemes. It is not intended to replace standard procedures currently used by those specialized engineers who are engaged in farm water design, although many of the design methods described herein are based on their procedures. It does, however, attempt to provide such engineers with a comprehensive array of design data and a concise reference to basic design techniques that are not otherwise readily available. To cover all aspects of water conservation and use in detail is not possible in a book of this size. However, it will give the landowner an insight into those aspects of planning which must precede the establishment of a feasible and economic water supply project.