As a form of communication, advertising is one of the most important marketing tools, announcing goods, brands, products and services to existing customers and potential audiences through traditional and new media. Reaching a wide audience, television is still one of the most powerful, traditional and "undated" advertising media. TV, as a commercial medium, succeeds in creating "consumers" and has a pervasive influence on children and adolescents. Currently, marketing related to children and teens is undoubtedly one of the most valued divisions in marketing communications. The world of children has long been integrated into that of adults due to the pull of technology and the market economy. The advertisements children face at all times and places as a result of technological development play a key role in explaining the outside world, occupying their mental agenda and supporting them in socializing as consumers. The current study is an attempt to discover the image of "television advertising" in the mind of the child, who not only promotes consumption in the family, but is also a consumer of himself. "What is television advertising for children?