Two friends, a little ant named Tiki and a little bee named Fizzy, who are best friends, live in a very faraway forest. The two friends want to see the world from above. They can only see it from the ground and they suspect there are other wonderful things to see. They decide to ask their friend eagle named Orion to take them to see the world from above and the eagle is very pleased to do so. But then Tiki has to deal with his own fears. Orion talks to them about conquering our fears to achieve our goals, and explains that fear can keep us safe sometimes, but if we don't control our own fears, it can steal all we want to be in life, steal friendships and even steal love. Tiki and Fizzy realize they need to stick together and conquer Tiki's fear and they accomplish their dream. When they return to the forest, Orion tells them how important their individual work is to maintain our world beautiful and plentiful. The story leads children to understand that taking care of the world is an individual responsibility.The book is about love and being good to each other.
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