is an adventurous and heartwarming tale of discovery, bravery, and unexpected love. The story follows Simon, a seemingly ordinary young person thrust into an extraordinary situation when a mysterious force from another world reaches out to him. As Simon embarks on a thrilling journey, he finds himself caught between two realms, each with its own set of challenges, dangers, and revelations. Along the way, Simon encounters strange allies, cryptic messages, and hidden powers that awaken within him. But what starts as a mission of self-discovery soon turns into something deeper: a bond between worlds, and a sense of purpose that transcends the ordinary. With each step, Simon must decide who to trust, what to fight for, and whether he is ready to embrace his destiny. I Want You, Simon is an action-packed adventure with emotional depth, combining high-stakes action, fantastical elements, and an evolving journey of personal growth. As Simon confronts mysteries and faces obstacles, the true nature of the connection between him and the unknown force is slowly revealed, leading to an unexpected and powerful conclusion.
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