Das Fachbuch umfasst 18 Kapitel, die in drei Abschnitte unterteilt sind: Grundlage der Eisbildung und Eigenschaften von Eis, Eishaftung und deren Messung, Methoden zur Abschwächung von Eishaftung. Die behandelten Themen: Faktoren, die die Bildung, Haftung und Reibung von Eis beeinflussen, Eisnukleation auf festen Oberflächen, Physik der Eisnukleation und Wachstum auf Oberflächen, Kondensation und Gefrieren, Abtaueigenschaften von strukturierten Oberflächen, Zusammenhang zwischen oberflächenfreier Energie und Eishaftung auf Oberflächen, Meteorologie der Eishaftung, Testverfahren zur…mehr
Das Fachbuch umfasst 18 Kapitel, die in drei Abschnitte unterteilt sind: Grundlage der Eisbildung und Eigenschaften von Eis, Eishaftung und deren Messung, Methoden zur Abschwächung von Eishaftung. Die behandelten Themen: Faktoren, die die Bildung, Haftung und Reibung von Eis beeinflussen, Eisnukleation auf festen Oberflächen, Physik der Eisnukleation und Wachstum auf Oberflächen, Kondensation und Gefrieren, Abtaueigenschaften von strukturierten Oberflächen, Zusammenhang zwischen oberflächenfreier Energie und Eishaftung auf Oberflächen, Meteorologie der Eishaftung, Testverfahren zur Quantifizierung der Stärke von Eishaftung auf Oberflächen, Ringstudien zur Stärke von Eishaftung, Mechanismen der Technologien der Oberflächenvereisung und -enteisung, Vereisungsschutz mittels mikrostrukturierter Oberflächen, Festigkeitsprüfung von eisphoben Beschichtungen, bioinspirierte eis-phobe Beschichtungen, Herausforderungen bei der rationellen Fertigung eis-phober Oberflächen, Schutz vor Eisansatz bei Flugzeugen, numerische Modellierung und deren Anwendung bei Vereisung während eines Fluges.
Adhesion and Adhesives - Fundamental and Applied Aspects
Kashmiri Lal Mittal was employed by the IBM Corporation from 1972 through 1993. Currently, he is teaching and consulting worldwide in the broad areas of adhesion as well as surface cleaning. He has received numerous awards and honors including the title of doctor honoris causa from Maria Curie- Sk¿odowska University, Lublin, Poland. He is the editor of more than 135 books dealing with adhesion measurement, adhesion of polymeric coatings, polymer surfaces, adhesive joints, adhesion promoters, thin films, polyimides, surface modification surface cleaning, and surfactants. Dr. Mittal is also the Founding Editor of the journal Reviews of Adhesion and Adhesives. Chang-Hwan Choi is a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Stevens Institute of Technology. He acquired his BS (1995) and MS (1997) in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering from Seoul National University in Korea. He worked as a researcher at Korea Aerospace Research Institute before he received his PhD (2006) in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), specializing in MEMS/Nanotechnology and minoring in Fluid Mechanics and Biomedical Engineering. Areas of his research interest include surface engineering and interfacial phenomena. He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed journal articles and been awarded one patent.
Preface xv
Part 1: Fundamentals of Ice Formation and Characterization 1
1 Factors Influencing the Formation, Adhesion, and Friction of Ice 3 Michael J. Wood and Anne-Marie Kietzig
1.1 A Brief History of Man and Ice 4
1.1.1 Ice on Earth 4
1.1.2 Man is Carved of Ice 5
1.1.3 Modern Man Carves Ice 8
1.2 A Thermodynamically Designed Anti-Icing Surface 13
1.2.1 Homogeneous Classical Nucleation Theory 14
1.2.2 Heterogeneous Classical Nucleation Theory 16
1.2.3 Predicting Delays in Ice Nucleation 20
1.2.4 Predicting Ice Nucleation Temperatures 22
1.3 The Adhesion of Ice to Surfaces 25
1.3.1 Wetting and Icing of Ideal Surfaces 26
1.3.2 Wetting of Real Surfaces 30
1.3.3 Ice Adhesion to Real Surfaces 32
1.4 The Sliding Friction of Ice 38
1.4.1 Ice Friction Regimes 39
1.4.2 The Origin of Ice's Liquid-Like Layer 42
1.4.3 Parameters Affecting The Friction Coefficient of Ice 43
1. 5 Summary 45
References 46
2 Water and Ice Nucleation on Solid Surfaces 55 Youmin Hou, Hans-Jurgen Butt and Michael Kappl
2.1 Introduction 55
2.2 Classical Nucleation Theory 57
2.2.1 Homogeneous Nucleation Rate 59 Homogeneous Nucleation of Water Droplets and Ice from Vapor 60 Homogeneous Ice Nucleation in Supercooled Water 61
2.2.2 Heterogeneous Nucleation Rate 63 Heterogeneous Water Nucleation on Solid Surfaces 63
2.2.3 Spatial Control of Water Nucleation on Nanoengineered Surfaces 68
2.2.4 Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation in Supercooled Water 71
2.3 Prospects 76
2.4 Summary 78
Acknowledgement 79
References 79
3 Physics of Ice Nucleation and Growth on a Surface 87 Alireza Hakimian, Sina Nazifi and Hadi Ghasemi
3.1 Ice Nucleation 88
3.2 Ice Growth 94
3.2.1 Scenario I: Droplet in an Environment without Airflow 95
3.2.2 Scenario II: Droplet in an Environment with External Airflow 99
3.3 Ice Bridging Phenomenon 105
3.4 Summary 108
References 109
4 Condensation Frosting 111 S. Farzad Ahmadi and Jonathan B. Boreyko
4.1 Introduction 111
4.2 Why Supercooled Condensation? 114
4.3 Inter-Droplet Freeze Fronts 117
4.4 Dry Zones and Anti-Frosting Surfaces 124
4.5 Summary and Future Directions 129
References 131
5 The Role of Droplet Dynamics in Condensation Frosting 135 Amy Rachel Betz
5.1 Introduction 135
5.2 Nucleation 137
5.3 Growth 138
5.4 Coalescence and Sweeping 139
5.5 Regeneration or Re-Nucleation 146
5.6 Inception of Freezing 147
5.7 Freezing Front Propagation 149
5.8 Ice Bridging 150
5.9 Frost Growth and Densification 153
5.10 Concluding Discussion 155
Acknowledgments 156
References 156
6 Defrosting Properties of Structured Surfaces 161 S. Farzad Ahmadi and Jonathan B. Boreyko
6.1 Introduction: Defrosting on Smooth Surfaces 162
6.2 Defrosting Heat Exchangers 167
6.3 Dynamic Defrosting on Micro-Grooved Surfaces 170
6.4 Dynamic Defrosting on Liquid-Impregnated Surfaces 172
6.5 Dynamic Defrosting on Nanostructured Superhydrophobic Surfaces 176
6.6 Summary and Future Directions 179
References 181
Part 2: Ice Adhesion and Its Measurement 187
7 On the Relationship between Surface Free Energy and Ice Adhes