Georgia Amson-Bradshaw (Author) Georgia Amson-Bradshaw is a children's writer and editor who lives in Brighton, East Sussex. She has worked on a number of high-profile and award-winning science books for kids, including the Royal Society Young People's Book Prize winner Eye Benders, and the London Science Museum activity book This Book Thinks You're a Scientist. She remembers the eye-opening and inspiring effect her favourite books had on her as a child, and so takes her responsibility to pass that interest and excitement on very seriously! David Broadbent (Illustrator) David Broadbent has been an illustrator for many a long year, he has created illustrations for different companies and people all over this planet of ours and would like to keep doing so. Books are his favourite thing to work on and he has created artwork for titles such as Do Nice be Kind Spread Happy, Be the Change, Make it Happen and The Camper Van Bible. He lives on the south coast of England with his family, including a strange dog and a three legged hamster., ,
1: What is culture?
1: What is diversity?
1: What's YOUR culture?
1: Multicultural life
1: Prejudice and discrimination
1: Discrimination in society
1: Where on Earth?
1: Seeing things differently
1: Wheel of life chances
1: Making Change Happen: Apartheid in South Africa
1: Case study: Wangari Maathai
1: Activate! Act against racism
1: Organise! Put on a culture day
1: Glossary and index