I'm Still Here is a story that initially centers on the life of Camille, a sixteen-year-old who moves to the city of Glen Eyre. She meets an effeminate male named Avery, and Priscilla, a former it-girl who lost a friend due to an unplanned pregnancy. As soon as Camille enrolls at the local high school, Ivory and Bailey bully her because she is not as beautiful or fashionable. Despite their flawless appearances, Ivory and Bailey both have secrets. Ivory is cheating on her boyfriend Nathan with a disrespectful 20-year-old named Troy who drags her down in his involvement with methamphetamine and his struggle with Gonorrhea. From the get-go, Bailey influences Ivory to make bad choices and plans to steal Nathan and Troy away from Ivory because of her own jealousy. Their stories are interconnected through gossip that leads to prom night that takes a deadly turn when secrets are revealed about Troy's infidelity, Bailey's meth addiction, and Ivory's surprising savior from it all: Camille, the girl who she mistreated ever since she met her.
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