Polish-Ukrainian relations have been invariably
highly complicated. These
complications usually resulted from the very close
proximity, which on the one hand
forced the two nations (and/or states) into
co-operation, but on the other hand
engendered frequent conflicts of interests. The aim
of this book is to examine present
Polish attitudes towards Ukrainians from a
socio-psychological perspective. This
perspective is understood as a research into
psychological mechanisms of the
attitudes, nationality stereotypes or prejudices and
placing them into socio-cultural
context. Moreover, the study touches upon the problem
of ethnic and national
identity, national character and perception of the
other dependent on various social
and non-social factors. Polish attitudes towards
Ukrainians understood as national
minority and as Poland s neighbour are displayed on
the background of the
attitudes towards other national minorities and their
home states.
highly complicated. These
complications usually resulted from the very close
proximity, which on the one hand
forced the two nations (and/or states) into
co-operation, but on the other hand
engendered frequent conflicts of interests. The aim
of this book is to examine present
Polish attitudes towards Ukrainians from a
socio-psychological perspective. This
perspective is understood as a research into
psychological mechanisms of the
attitudes, nationality stereotypes or prejudices and
placing them into socio-cultural
context. Moreover, the study touches upon the problem
of ethnic and national
identity, national character and perception of the
other dependent on various social
and non-social factors. Polish attitudes towards
Ukrainians understood as national
minority and as Poland s neighbour are displayed on
the background of the
attitudes towards other national minorities and their
home states.