The IT industry has transformed India from an agro economy to knowledge based economy. It has created many employment opportunities resulting in increased employee attrition. This book underlines identification & resolution of various conflicts as a vital tool for employee retention. Findings showed that gender balance, good HRM practices, work value & ethics are likely to be more creative, more productive sending positive signals within group & outside. Factors like integration & goal setting, work atmosphere, work & family conflict, odd working hour, health/ occupational issues, labour welfare & retrial benefits, have major effect on attrition rate. The organisational environment must have a mix of culture, values, company reputation, quality of people in the organisation, career growth & skill development, leading technologies and trust. In addition, the process of hiring needs to include 'psychometric profiling' and 'boomerang hiring'. For a congenial work environment, efficient managers, supportive co-workers, challenging work, involvement of employees in decision-making, clarity of work, responsibilities & recognition are some resolutions to cut down attrition rate.