This book revolves around the young concept of e-Governance. Since the formation of the civilized society the concept of Governance has been modified from time to time. In recent times the approach regarding the governance has been modified, leading to electronically assisted governance i.e. e-Governance for the benefit of the common man. With the advancements, innovations and mellows in the field of information and communication technology, the governance of the country has transformed into e-governance resulting in public empowerment through customer service centres (CSC). These are established by government managed State Designated Agencies throughout the country giving access to information. This book gives complete information regarding CSC i.e. e-Sampark Centre created by Chandigarh administration.The administration has started e-governance initiative as an effective and efficient tool for transformation i.e. the e-Sampark project. It is an inspiration to reduce undue harassment of citizens by bringing all the services of the various departments under single roof.