The Impact of Male out-migration on rural women livelihood is among the least researched topic in Ethiopia. Some Localities in Ethiopia are characterized by predominantly long term male out-migration to urban areas in search of livelihood. This situation leaves women back in rural areas by assuming de facto household headship. Women remaining back in rural areas face a number of social and economic problems to win their livelihood. This study indicates the livelihood of women left behind in rural areas is highly affected by the shortage of labor in the household, social, cultural and institutional barriers which hinder women's effort to improve and diversify their livelihood. Lack of enough labour for agricultural production and natural resource conservation reduces agricultural productivity in the labour intensive farming system of the study area. This overtime reduces household food supply and results in erosion of household assets increasing women vulnerability and food insecurity. Moreover the very low and erratic remittance from the migrant husband tends to decline as the husband stayed longer in the urban area increasing women vulnerability further.