Multi-level marketing (MLM)or Network Marketing is one of direct selling forms.In this highly competitive business world, it would not be possible to market even popular products without proper network marketing and most of them use facebook for their network marketing.Network marketing as a new marketing strategy, brings more and more broad developing space to Modern Corporation with the advantages of extensive radiation, low investment and quick effect. In addition to sophisticated forms of online marketing like search engines and online advertising, Community, interactive and other new forms of marketing have also emerged. Many Chinese immigrants start their entrepreneurship business by joining major network marketing businesses in Western host countries. MLM has become a very important part of corporate marketing strategy. With the depth and the development of network marketing, how to evaluate the performance of network marketing business has become an important issue. This book focuses on the matter and shows benefits of network and introduces models of MLM business entrepreneurial action and also its benefit such as reducing the cost of advertisements with a success example
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