The researcher highlighted various problems faced by police officials such as long working hours, day-night shifts,24 hours shifts, late promotion, political interference, absence of govt. holidays and no time for family. The present study explores the perception of the different rank police officials regarding their public image and its impact on job satisfaction. The first chapter explores the public image of police officials in the world. Most of the studies present that police officials are rude towards the public and they are involved in corruption, drug peddling etc., In the second chapter, the profile of police officials was explained such as their rank, family composition, working status of spouse, number of children, work experience, department, income, age, religious background, marital status, shift duty, duration of shift, transfer, criteria of transfer and training. The next chapter aims to describe the level of job satisfaction of the police officials and in the last chapter, public image and its impact on the job satisfaction of the police officials was explored.