This books aims to find out the purpose of any investor sentiment based trading in stock market with respect to volatility and trading volume. Depending upon the trading volume and price volatility, the company's growth is increasing and decreasing. During the recent past, the stock returns on normal parameters are not conducive to announcement parameters. The regular changes in stock cost and fluctuations make it difficult for the investor to invest in stock market. One of the main considerations bringing instability in the stock market is lack of proper disclosure of information by corporate houses. In past years, the announcements impact on the price volatility and trading volume were calculated using event study analysis along with focusing on approaches pertaining on trend analysis, regression analysis and correlation analysis. From this, we can easily predict that impact of regulatory announcements on price volatility and trading volume. Also, this book will help traders inthe field of derivatives to take trading positions with respect to futures and options on the basis of the findings provided in the study indeed.