Céline Dauverd is Assistant Professor of History and a board member of the Mediterranean Studies Group at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Her research focuses on sociocultural relations between Spain and Italy during the early modern era (1450-1650). She has published articles in the Sixteenth Century Journal, the Journal of World History, Mediterranean Studies, and the Journal of Levantine Studies.
1. Empires of the Renaissance, 1453-1650: the Genoese response to shifting
alliances in the Mediterranean; 2. Genoese emporium and Spanish imperium in
the Kingdom of Naples; 3. Commercial ascension through silk: Genoese
artisans, merchants, bakers; 4. Achieving favorite nation status: the
economic journey of the Genoese; 5. The Genoese merchants: between the
viceroys' buon governo and Habsburg expansion; 6. Holy Week: the Genoese in
the ceremonial triptych; 7. The Genoese eye of the storm: spiritual
competition in church, sea, and grave; 8. The Genoese participation in
charitable institutions.