The tale revolves around various members of a mixed-race family, with a focus on one main character, born in nineteenth century India. The characters interact within actual historical events, accounted for in various historic documents, as interpreted by the writer. The parents of the main character are of different ethnic origins, the paternal being English, in the military. The other maternal, of the Royal bloodline of the great Ahom Raajy (Rajya, State or Kingdom), in the northeast of India. The main character is therefore of mixed blood. The people he meets and associates with, shape his life, through circumstances somewhat beyond his control, eventually forcing him to live his life the way he does. It takes into account the great changes that occurred, in India, particularly in the east and northeast of the sub-continent. From human exploitation to great individual power and wealth. From sailing to steam ships, muskets to repeater rifles and oxen pulled carts to steam driven locomotives, which opened up the Indian interior. It touches on the rapidly growing western world demand, for tea and other varieties of agricultural produce, grown and harvested in the warmer and balmier climates of this vast subcontinent. It talks to the wanton killing of magnificent wild beasts and those hunted by necessity, to preserve human life. It shows how the average person, can quite coincidentally meet others, that are changing the world around them. This change can be both physical and by the written word and how this can inadvertently affect their own lives and the lives and thoughts of thousands of others in their time and into the future.
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