The introduction of implants in dentistry has reduced the limitations of conventional prosthetic modalities. The field of implantology has been transformed from an unpredictable art to a well-grounded clinical science as a hyper specialized treatment modality1. The predictability of this modality of treatment has transformed restorative options of the edentulous patients. As a result of continued research in treatment planning, implant designs, materials and techniques predictable success are now a reality for many challenging clinical situations.1 Patients who are facing a therapeutic procedure more often ask questions regarding the success rate of a particular medical, surgical, or dental intervention. In other words, they are concerned about the guarantee of the procedure and are interested in long-term results.2 Therefore, before deciding to proceed on implant therapy the patient should be informed with the risk of failures involved in the treatment.2 Implants are available in many shapes, sizes and lengths, using a variety of materials with different surface properties.