The monograph contains an analysis of the research carried out by the Republic and foreign scientific researchers in order to improve the operation of cotton air separation equipment and its main elements. A number of shortcomings of separator equipment and ways to eliminate them are presented. The parameters of the elements of the working chamber were determined based on the analysis of the movement of the cotton piece in the working chamber of the separator. Mechanical damage to cotton products is theoretically based on the analysis of the impact of the cotton piece with the vacuum-valve blades and the inner surface of the cylindrical shell. In the working chamber, a mesh surface that allows to reduce the impact force and cleaning from small impurities, and an agglomerate separator equipment, which ensures that the cotton is filled into the vacuum valve without damage, and is completely removed, and the experimental results are shown. during the separation process, a vacuum-valve structure with a rotating blade, which ensures the complete exit of the cotton from the vacuum-valve, was created, and the number of its rational revolutions was determined experimentally.