After a series of mysterious mishaps, a deep space explorer crash-landed on what they believed to be an uninhabited world, the enigmatic planet of Alloca. Far from Mother Earth, the explorers were determined to survive and grow their small population. The Presidential Council, in a bid to create a unified race, enforced a controversial policy of interracial marriages. Their rigid control went unchallenged, until a group of mavericks, led by Carrie's father, fled the oppressive New World City to establish a new settlement, Arapmo, miles away. But the Council wasn't about to let them go so easily. They decided to exert their control over the breakaway town, ordering Carrie to return to New World City for an arranged marriage to a complete stranger. Arapmo lacked the resources to oppose the Council, and resistance could mean war. Just when Carrie thought she had no choice, she was kidnapped and then rescued by an alien, opening up a whole new world of possibilities.
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