This is a study in the area of specialized care in rehabilitation nursing. The object of study is "The Intervention of the Nurse Specialist in Rehabilitation Nursing in patients with Chronic Respiratory Pathology". Nursing interventions of functional respiratory and motor rehabilitation were implemented, which proved to be effective. They translated into gains in terms of respiratory capacity, allowing for the development of normal daily life activities, the maintenance and improvement of mobility skills in users with a high average age and some physical and/or cognitive limitations, which, in itself, also translates into health gains in terms of independence and improved quality of life. Rehabilitation Nursing clearly adds value by putting into practice a dynamic performance focused on the acquired specialised knowledge, creating tools that allow for a structured performance of care, the promotion of its continuity, its assessment and the production of evidence-based scientific knowledge, thus contributing to reducing the length of hospital stay, which has an impact on a more effective management.