The film Cidade Mulher (1936), produced by Brasil Vita Filme, directed by actress Carmen Santos and directed by Humberto Mauro, has a soundtrack composed almost entirely by samba singer Noel Rosa. In view of the disappearance of numerous films from this period, such as Cidade Mulher, this project set out to rescue the film which, we believe, included several significant elements that reflect social and cultural issues of the time: samba and the work of Noel Rosa, a fiction about Rio de Janeiro, the emblematic Federal Capital, the work of Humberto Mauro, who had just had a great success with Favela dos meus Amores (1935); and Carmen Santos, an enthusiastic producer and actress of national and popular themes. The musical repertoire was essential for this recovery and for understanding the relationship between image and sound, and the plot in its relationship with the culture and society in which it is immersed.
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