Introduced once as bright boy of British belles letters, there may be a dubious few to whom his emasculated exoticism, nasty naughtiness may appeal... Not us... This is a fictional sequel to his Maiden Voyage, with many of its elements in exaggerated form, as Denton Welch continues to cultivate the odd, the perverse, the physically distasteful, the emotionally insecure. Here is Orvil Pym, 15, anxious adolescent with a fastidious femininity, as he spends a summer with his father and virile elder brothers. His fetid fancies, fears, bad dreams, his pursuit of objects d'art, his explorations and awkwardnesses, - socially, sexually, and his impotence in a cruder world all combine to no story, but reveries expressed in unalluring metaphor... But no... (Kirkus Reviews)
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