Agricultural development is important for raising the incomes of population dependent on Agriculture and growth of non-agricultural sector. There are significant linkages between farmland non-farm sectors.The post economic reform policies have diversified the Indian economy from an agro based economy to a partially industrialized and service based economy. This decrease in agriculture's contribution to GDP has not been accompanied by a matching reduction in the share of agriculture in employment. About 52% of the total workforce is still employed by the farm sector which makes more than half of the Indian population dependant on agriculture for subsistence. Therefore the declining trend in agricultural growth has emerged as a major concern for researchers and policymakers. A large number of studies have enquired into the growth process of agricultural sector and has criticized the neo-liberal policy regime for a general neglect of the sector. In this context, the Book critically reviews the performances and challenges of the Indian agriculture in General and it further critically examined the multi faceted issues of agriculture development.