De-stereotyped reading signifies fluidity that eliminates intentional fallacy. Hence, de-stereotyped approach is synonymous to Foucauldian parrhesia where the speaker maintains, from a sense of duty, a specific relation to truth through frankness, a certain type of relation to himself or other people through criticism, with complete freedom . Today s academic world requires creative, generous sensibility as well as dangerous thinking which is needed to threaten multiple restraints and scramble fundamental parameters of morality. In this volume, ''Indian Texts & Representations: De-stereotyped Perspectives'', an effort has been made to deconstruct the stereotyped, and thereby motivated, approach to Indian texts and cinematic representations, by challenging established notions in pursuit of a higher, unbiased standpoint that reveals the invisible issues. The contributors have aimed at expressing truth instead of falsehood or silence for the sake of cleansing the doors of perception .