While previous studies discuss the most important historical, socio-cultural and economic factors that can have an impact on female Indian managers, as well as the challenges and barriers that they face in their career track, this book aims to gain further insights into how various backgrounds can impact the individual's positioning society and career of particular Indian women. This is pursued by adopting Mead's approach of the "I", the "Me" and the "Self", and certain theory-based presuppositions that are developed from previous research, while leaving space for new and different factors or backgrounds that have affected those individual women. For this purpose, 11 semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 Indian women with different professions and with managerial roles or high responsibility in their work. The interviewees consisted of eight Hindu women, two Christians and one Jain, and were all asked about the relationship between their familiar, educational, religious, caste and regional backgrounds, and their individual positioning in society as managers or superiors in India.