Friedrich Levcik is the director of the Institut fur Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche, Vienna. He has a profound knowledge of the economies of both the East and West and has published studies covering a broad range of problems, including economic planning, the labor market, and comparative analysis of economic processes and system s. Jan Stankovsky is on the staff of the Österreichischen Institutes fur Wirtschaftsforschung. An economist, his special interest is in Austrian trade with the East.
Introduction 1. General aims and definitions 2. New trends in the world
economy as a basis for East-West cooperation 3. Types of industrial
cooperation between East and West 4. Motives for cooperation 5. Legal and
institutional regulations for interfirm cooperation between East and West
in Eastern Europe 6. The special case of joint ventures: their
possibilities and limits 7. Economic policy and industrial East-West
cooperation 8. Objectives and significance of intergovernmental cooperation
agreements 9. Industrial East-West cooperation and the business cycle 10.
Interim evaluation of East-West industrial cooperation 11. Practical
experience with East-West industrial cooperation