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  • Buch mit Leinen-Einband

"Industrial Culture and Design." (Text in German and English.) Our civilization consists of a universe of things. It is crammed full of devices from countless periods and cultures. It is rare for homogenous worlds of objects to be created, and this happens only in places where life itself is reduced to a few functions, such as prestigious rituals. The uniform lifestyle that the Bauhaus artists still had in mind, an everyday world consistently shaped in aesthetic terms from the coffee cup to the city as a casing for human life, is - since the days of Post-Modernism, with its pluralist positions…mehr

"Industrial Culture and Design." (Text in German and English.) Our civilization consists of a universe of things. It is crammed full of devices from countless periods and cultures. It is rare for homogenous worlds of objects to be created, and this happens only in places where life itself is reduced to a few functions, such as prestigious rituals. The uniform lifestyle that the Bauhaus artists still had in mind, an everyday world consistently shaped in aesthetic terms from the coffee cup to the city as a casing for human life, is - since the days of Post-Modernism, with its pluralist positions - no longer on the agenda. But what is the role of industrial design amidst all this apparently archaic diversity.Der Hauptteil des Buches befaßt sich mit den Arbeiten von Hans-Theo Baumann, Karl Dittert, Herbert Hirche, Günter Kupetz, Peter Raacke, Rainer Schütze, Hans Erich Slany und Arno Votteler, den Vätern des im Jahr 1959 in Stuttgart gegründeten Verbandes Deutscher Industrie-Designer. Jedem ist ein eigenes Kapitel gewidmet, in dem Werdegang und Werk ausführlich vorgestellt werden. Mit diesen Porträts gibt das Buch einen interessanten Einblick in einen bisher wenig beachteten, aber dennoch wichtigen Bereich deutschen Nachkriegsdesigns. Den Abschluß des Buches bilden Gespräche mit zwei Vertretern der Industrie, für die Design einen unverzichtbaren Bestandteil ihrer unternehmerischen Strategie darstellt.