There are no publications about the effect of homeopathic drugs on sperm parameters or use of them to improve the quality of semen. The present work aimed, therefore, to evaluate the effect of some homeopathic drugs on mitochondrial activity of bovine spermatozoa and the role of these drugs in protection of sperm mitochondrial activity during and following the cryopreservation. Nine homeopathic drugs were used in this study, these drugs were selected because they were prepared from substances, which play a role or have an effect on sperm motility and mitochondrial activity. The main sperm parameter in this study is mitochondrial activity; other sperm parameters such as viability, acrosomal integrity and sperm chromatin structure were estimated to evaluate possible side effects of the tested drugs. This work was completed during a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst-DAAD).