This book looks at computerisation of school administration functions in the Harare schools (Zimbabwe) in 2006. Schools were using computers, not only in the classroom but also for administrative purposes. In administration, computers were used to facilitate planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluating school activities as a means of cutting down on time and costs. The problem was that it was not clear whether the computers were being used for these purposes in the schools. It was noted that the schools faced major challenges in funding office computerisation as the country was experiencing economic deterioration. Inflation was rising leading to the computer shortages. Purchasing of computer hardware and software was becoming expensive. Communication within the education sector was difficult as very few schools were connected on the Internet. As a solution, the government was urged to establish a computer revolving fund to enable schools to purchase new computers. This book is targeted at education ministries and school heads. It assists them to understand the importance of computerising the school administration functions and that of Internet connectivity.