The focus of this book is on industrial infrastructures of production and circulation, from power distribution and roads to dry ports and airports. It looks at how these infrastructures underpin visions of progress and mediate relations between the state and capitalist firms in industrializing districts in Punjab, Pakistan.
The focus of this book is on industrial infrastructures of production and circulation, from power distribution and roads to dry ports and airports. It looks at how these infrastructures underpin visions of progress and mediate relations between the state and capitalist firms in industrializing districts in Punjab, Pakistan.
Nausheen H. Anwar is Assistant Professor of Urban Studies in the Department of Social Sciences at the Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Karachi, Pakistan. She received her PhD from the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation (GSAPP), Columbia University, USA. Nausheen's research and teaching interests include urban development, migration, governance and globalization with a focus on South/Central Asia. Aspects of her work appear in Antipode, Citizenship Studies and South Asian History and Culture.
Introduction: Pathways to Progress 1. History, Ideas, Visions 2. Disrupted Mobilities 3. Power Breakdowns 4. Whither Labor? Conclusion: Infrastructure's Promise