"Innovation Systems: Prospects and Prospects", the second book the authors devote to innovation systems (IS), is a continuation of the consideration of the theory and practice of IS operation outlined in "Innovation Systems: Advances and Challenges". In addition to further revealing the workings of IP and the application of innovation in advanced fields of science and engineering, the emphasis here is on foreseeing the development of science and technology. What lies beyond the horizon? In what direction should we go? Where do we go to avoid getting lost in the maze of opportunities? In addition, it is necessary to have an understanding of the workings of the internal mechanisms of the innovation systems which set the pace for society on the way to a bright future, where scientific achievements become the heritage of humanity, rather than disappear into oblivion. The wealth of all mankind, not just those who have grasped God by the beard. Achievements are sufficient for all, but they must be presented to all in a competent and accurate manner. What has been done, what is being done and what is to be done? Why and for what purpose? How can efficiency be improved? The authors hope that the reader will find answers to these questions after reading the book.