Inside & Falling Away is a fictional autobiographical coming-of-age story that follows three young men: Will Haywood, Ronny Connor, Jim Owens, and several of their friends. While they are all from diverse geographical and cultural backgrounds, they come from similar Christian homes benefitting from the 1970s American Dream. As the young men navigate a year at a Christian university in the 1980s, theirs is an insular world from which they are trying to break free. Becoming interested in things that their family, church, and university frown upon, their desire to explore life comes head-to-head with duty, responsibility, authority, and faith. The young men discover a new world full of confidence, love, exhilaration, pain, self-discovery, sex, and pride-tempered by inevitable self-doubt, insecurity, and fear of the future. Inside & Falling Away invites readers to participate in the emotions, experiences, and passion of youth in a more innocent time.
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