"The Inside 3D Studio MAX series is an indispensible resource for the novice and experienced user alike." (Timothy Buckman, Ph. D., M. D., Washington University, School of Medicine).
Books Included:The bound edition of Inside 3 D Studio MAX 2 Vol. 1 with CD-ROM. Two complete electronic books - Inside 3D Studio MAX 2 Vol. II: Modeling
Materials and Inside 3D Studio MAX 2 Volume III: Animation. Two electronic chapters from Digital Character Animation by George Maestri.
Software Included:From Sisyphus, four completely functional plug-ins:MAXTraxII, ThOr, Special Purpose Particles, Aegis.One completely functional plug-in from DoubleDuck Productions: ViZual Roof-Gable.Over 50 ready-to-use models from Sisyphus and 3D Cafe. Additional demo and freeware versions of plug-ins from leading 3D Studio MAX software developers.
Books Included:The bound edition of Inside 3 D Studio MAX 2 Vol. 1 with CD-ROM. Two complete electronic books - Inside 3D Studio MAX 2 Vol. II: Modeling
Materials and Inside 3D Studio MAX 2 Volume III: Animation. Two electronic chapters from Digital Character Animation by George Maestri.
Software Included:From Sisyphus, four completely functional plug-ins:MAXTraxII, ThOr, Special Purpose Particles, Aegis.One completely functional plug-in from DoubleDuck Productions: ViZual Roof-Gable.Over 50 ready-to-use models from Sisyphus and 3D Cafe. Additional demo and freeware versions of plug-ins from leading 3D Studio MAX software developers.