"The history of rural economy, alike in Europe, America and India, has no lesson more distinct than this that agriculturists must and will borrow. This necessity is due to the fact that an agriculturist's capital is locked up in his land and stock, and must be temporarily mobilized, hence credit is neither necessarily objectionable nor is borrowing necessarily a sign of weakness". -Sir F.A.Nicholson. Objectives of the Study The overall objective of the study is to assess performance of institutional crop loan borrower households in terms of income and employment generation in Palacode Block of Dharmapuri District. The specific objectives are: i. to study the impact of institutional crop loan on income and employment generation for different categories of the sample borrower households in Palacode Block; ii. to identify the factors influencing the demand for crop loan; iii. to assess the factors associated with over dues among different categories of defaulters; and iv. to suggestpolicy measures to over come the problem of over dues. Scope of the Study The study mainly based on sample survey is consisting of institutional borrowers who borrowed for cropping purpose.