This book is the result of my master's dissertation at the Federal University of São Carlos/SP (UFSCar/2005). In it, the performance of two municipal governments in the interior of the state of Paraná is comparatively analyzed: Dois Vizinhos and Palmas, in an attempt to implement public policies characterized by community participation in the planning and control of the execution of health actions and services - through their respective Management Councils. The aim is twofold: firstly, to test a macro theory (Robert Putman's Civism theory) in the micro sphere, in regional and spatial terms; and secondly, to understand the reasons that explain the differences in the path taken by these governments in implementing and succeeding with their policies. The analysis of the data revealed that the explanation for the differences in the results achieved was related to the civic character of the social and political life of each community, which are grouped under the heading of political culture and mark the conception of individuals regarding their governments, rulers and political institutions.