Developing a doctor to be an instructor in a university or an academic institution demands enrollment in a development course called instruction methods. Enabling board certified physicians to satisfactorily perform their role in teaching postgraduate and training of postgraduate physicians in their residency also requires providing them with the general principles of instruction. Therefore, there has been an increasing demand for conducting instruction methods courses for physicians and other healthcare professionals, including dentists and pharmacists. The aim of this book is to describe an intensive instruction methods course, which was conducted for healthcare professionals (physicians, dentists, and pharmacists) at Baghdad Medical City during September 2023. The course was also conducted for physicians in the hall of the National Institute of Tuberculosis during October 2023. The course which the book describes provides all the essential principles of instruction methods. This book is expected to be of interest to medical instructors, professors, and healthcare professionals including physicians working in academic institutions, training centers, and teaching hospitals.