In this fascinating and funny guide, author Tom Rogers examines 20 different topics and shows how, when it comes to filmmaking, the rules of physics are flexible.
When it comes to filmmaking, the rules of physics are flexible The companion book to the hit website, Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics is a hilarious and fascinating guide to the biggest mistakes, the most outrageous assumptions and the outright lunacy of Hollywood films. Author Tom Rogers uses basic scientific principles, such as Newton's First Law, along with a little common sense to examine and expose Hollywood's absolute worst physics offenders, including The Matrix, Speed and Star Wars. Find out how your favorite films measure up! --Would the bus in Speed really have made that jump? --Could a Star Wars ship actually explode in space? --Can you really ignite gasoline with the flick of a cigarette? --What really would have happened if you said ?Honey, I shrunk the kids??
When it comes to filmmaking, the rules of physics are flexible The companion book to the hit website, Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics is a hilarious and fascinating guide to the biggest mistakes, the most outrageous assumptions and the outright lunacy of Hollywood films. Author Tom Rogers uses basic scientific principles, such as Newton's First Law, along with a little common sense to examine and expose Hollywood's absolute worst physics offenders, including The Matrix, Speed and Star Wars. Find out how your favorite films measure up! --Would the bus in Speed really have made that jump? --Could a Star Wars ship actually explode in space? --Can you really ignite gasoline with the flick of a cigarette? --What really would have happened if you said ?Honey, I shrunk the kids??