Packaging is a fundamental element in logistics
systems. It not only affects every logistical
activity; it also has a significant impact on
logistics costs and performance. In order for
packaging and logistics professionals to gain
insight into packaging-dependent costs and
performance, the interactions between packaging
systems and logistics systems must be understood.
The presented research provides a comprehensive
overview of the physical interactions between
packaging systems and logistics systems in retail
supply chains. It also serves as an elementary step
towards understanding the role of packaging in
logistics, and as an aid in showing how packaging-
related decisions might impact on supply chains. The
research implies that understanding the interactions
between packaging and logistics makes it possible to
make decisions, such as changing the packaging
system or logistics system, or both, based on a
holistic packaging approach. As a result, the
research provides means to bridge the gap between
packaging and logistics professionals and presents a
model of the impact of decisions on packaging and
logistics systems.
systems. It not only affects every logistical
activity; it also has a significant impact on
logistics costs and performance. In order for
packaging and logistics professionals to gain
insight into packaging-dependent costs and
performance, the interactions between packaging
systems and logistics systems must be understood.
The presented research provides a comprehensive
overview of the physical interactions between
packaging systems and logistics systems in retail
supply chains. It also serves as an elementary step
towards understanding the role of packaging in
logistics, and as an aid in showing how packaging-
related decisions might impact on supply chains. The
research implies that understanding the interactions
between packaging and logistics makes it possible to
make decisions, such as changing the packaging
system or logistics system, or both, based on a
holistic packaging approach. As a result, the
research provides means to bridge the gap between
packaging and logistics professionals and presents a
model of the impact of decisions on packaging and
logistics systems.