This book was started as part of a scientific research project supported by Anhembi Morumbi University and CNPQ. Its aim is to provide an experience for the tele-interactor on the most diverse platforms, such as: Interactive Digital Television (IDTV), Smartphones, Tablets and Desktops; enhancing theoretical and practical issues related to the concepts of Connected TV and Expanded TV in Brazil and around the world. Firstly, the historical context that gave rise to Brazilian television will be presented, from the creation of photography and cinema to the current scenario of national Interactive Digital Television (iDTV), unfolding the possibilities that Interaction Design has to add to television programs through applications and interfaces designed by designers and developers. Subsequently, this interactivity present in Smart-TVs will be discussed and analyzed by its levels of interaction in the interfaces called Connected Television and Expanded Television; ending with a presentation of the convergence between television and other platforms, reaching the interactive level of transmedia.