INTERACTIVE MOTION is composed for Brass Quintet and
Tape in one movement. The composition is
approximately fourteen minutes in duration. A
primary feature of this piece is the live
interaction between the acoustic brass instruments
and the electronically generated accompaniment.
Some of the electronic sounds were created using a
program written in the Csound computer language;
sampled sounds and the Kurzweil K2000 synthesizer
were processed with GRM Tools using Pro Tools
software. The samples of the inside strings of a
piano, bells, and muted brass instruments were
either recorded with a portable DAT recorder or
extracted from a CD of samples.
Tape in one movement. The composition is
approximately fourteen minutes in duration. A
primary feature of this piece is the live
interaction between the acoustic brass instruments
and the electronically generated accompaniment.
Some of the electronic sounds were created using a
program written in the Csound computer language;
sampled sounds and the Kurzweil K2000 synthesizer
were processed with GRM Tools using Pro Tools
software. The samples of the inside strings of a
piano, bells, and muted brass instruments were
either recorded with a portable DAT recorder or
extracted from a CD of samples.