A loss of biological diversity continues in spite of the existing, and in some respects, rather elaborate and heavy attempts at management and protection. It has been argued that one of the reasons for the lack of success is the unmet and challenging knowledge needs. Meeting the needs requires integration of various sciences and expertise, since attempts to manage biodiversity gives rise also to many emerging, complex and political questions. Integration of the disciplines needs practices that are able to overcome practical, institutional and cultural obstacles. ALTERNet, a European network for research on biological diversity under the 6th framework programme, has aimed to undertake further interdisciplinary research that will feed into the addressing of societal needs.This book presents a framework which creates possibilities for communication between research and decisionmaking. By using the framework, relevant topics for discussion are brought up, emerging research needs are reacted to for elaboration into concrete research projects, and finally research findings are conveyed to support decision-making. To achieve this requires organised and open collaboration between research