The International Campaign to Ban Landmines is a coalition of non-governmental organizations whose goal is to abolish the production and use of anti-personnel mines, a particular type of explosive weapon. The coalition was formed in 1992 when six groups with similar interests, including Human Rights Watch, medico international, Handicap International, Physicians for Human Rights, Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation and the Mines Advisory Group, agreed to cooperate on their common goal. The campaign has since grown and spread to become a network of over 1,400 groups including groups working on women, children, veterans, religious groups, the environment, human rights, arms control, peace and development -- in over 90 countries, working locally, nationally and internationally to eradicate antipersonnel landmines. A prominent supporter was Diana, Princess of Wales. The organization and its chief spokesperson, Jody Williams, jointly received the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts.