1: Introduction
2: Historical background
3: The United Nations
4: The International Bill of Human Rights
5: Regional protection of human rights
6: Europe
7: The Americas
8: Africa
9: Monitoring, implementing, and enforcing human rights
10: Substantive rights - general comments
11: Equality and non-discrimination
12: Rights for specific vulnerable persons
13: The right to life
14: The right to liberty of person
15: Equality before the law - the right to a fair trial
16: The right to an adequate standard of living
17: Freedom from torture; cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment or punishment
18: The right to self-determination
19: Indigenous peoples' and minority rights
20: Freedom of expression
21: The right to education and human rights education
22: Sustainable development and human rights
23: Human rights in practice: the COVID-19 pandemic
24: Current issues: non-State actors